
Klanbusters and Klanjumpers

This topic came up in discussion. I thought it would be a subject that we could address and inform those that inquire of the Klan and the ways of the Klan of what to do and not to do.

Klan busters- individuals that try as they may, to join a klan and in turn cause disharmony in the group, and either attempt to or succeed to bust the klan apart.

Klan jumpers- are again the same type of individuals that once being accepted into a klan, they angle and maneuver for rank and title for selfish action,and if they do not recieve it, then they join another group....these jumpers eventually become busters which are dishonorable men of low character.

These two types are not living up to the oath they took, they are dishonorable and are untrustworthy. They worry about self more than the meaning of the oath or our motto. There are those that do leave our group and have done so with honor. The honorable ones left because of personal issues while there are the unscrupulous ones that were bannished because of decietful behavior, or the fact that they cannot or will not adhere to an honest lifestyle which requires ''honor'' beyond reproach. They jump from klan to klan searching for the highest rank and title all the while doing nothing positive for the group they are in or the klavern they have been a part of. They worry about other groups' actions or what other members of othe klaverns are doing, while not following our motto of "Not for self but for others''. True Klansmen seek the virtues of strong character, they spend their entire life in the shadows of the Invisible Empire.

These low moral types are not to be trusted, it is not within the the glamour of the stripes of the robe that makes a Klansman, it is the humble actions in which a Klansman makes the robe........

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